Saturday 19 November 2011


Wordle is a website that helps users to produce ‘word clouds’ from texts of their preference.

The size of each word is based on its frequency in the text. The more frequent it is used, the bigger it gets.

What is good about Wordle?
  • Wordle is one of the most easy and user-friendly ‘word clouds’ producing website available. Users will only have to copy and paste their text and click the ‘Go’ button, and the ‘word cloud’ will be generated for them in a few minute.
  • It can be used to produce 'word clouds' from any language and not limited to English language only. All language teachers should salute Wordle!
  • This website saves teachers’ time of preparing teaching and learning materials. The fonts, layouts, and colour schemes are customisable to suit its purpose in a lesson. Plus, the ‘word clouds’ can also be printed or shared online.
  • There are lots of 'word clouds' made by people around the world stored in its gallery. Users are free to view and adapt these 'word clouds' for their personal use. 

  • The ‘word clouds’ are merely a tool to help teaching and learning. It does not promote students to use the target language without encouragement from teachers. Therefore, it should be use with relevant supplementary activities that leads towards theories in language learning. 

p/s: If you like Wordle, you might also be interested in WordSift

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